Discover The Top Oldest Living Cat In The World

Discover The Top Oldest Living Cat In The World

Cats have been a beloved companion animal for thousands of years, and their popularity continues to grow today. With their charming personalities, playful nature, and independent spirit, it’s no wonder that so many people around the world have welcomed cats into their homes and hearts. While cats have a relatively short lifespan compared to humans, some of them manage to live an incredibly long and healthy life, defying the odds and inspiring cat lovers everywhere.

Cats are known for their curious and independent nature, as well as their ability to bring joy and companionship to their human owners. While cats typically live an average of 12-15 years, some cats have defied the odds and lived well into their 20s, 30s, and even 40s.

1. Creme Puff

Creme Puff

Creme Puff is a name that may not be familiar to everyone, but to cat lovers, she is a legend. This incredible feline holds the Guinness World Record for the oldest cat ever recorded, living an astonishing 38 years and 3 days. Born on August 3, 1967, in Austin, Texas, Creme Puff was owned by a woman named Jake Perry, who also owned the previous record holder, a cat named Granpa Rexs Allen. Creme Puff lived a long and healthy life, thanks in part to her owner’s careful attention to her health and well-being.

According to Perry, Creme Puff was a picky eater and refused to eat commercial cat food, preferring instead a diet of bacon, eggs, and broccoli. She also received regular check-ups from a local veterinarian and was never allowed to roam outside unsupervised. Perry credited Creme Puff’s long life to a combination of good genetics, proper nutrition, and plenty of love and attention.

Creme Puff passed away on August 6, 2005, at the age of 38 years and 3 days, leaving behind a legacy that has inspired cat lovers around the world. Her remarkable longevity has set the standard for cat owners everywhere, reminding us of the importance of proper care and attention for our feline friends. Today, Creme Puff remains an icon in the world of cat longevity, and her story continues to inspire cat owners everywhere to provide the best possible care for their furry companions.

2. Baby


Baby was born in 1970 and lived her entire life in the United States with her owner, Kitty Black, who had rescued her from a dumpster when she was just a kitten. Baby lived a happy and healthy life, and her secret to longevity was a simple one – love.

Kitty Black provided Baby with plenty of love and affection, and the two were inseparable throughout their 38 years together. Baby was a loyal companion to her owner, and she enjoyed spending her days curled up in Kitty’s lap or basking in the sun in her backyard. Despite her advanced age, Baby remained active and playful, and she continued to enjoy life until the very end.

Sadly, Baby passed away in 2008, but her memory lives on as a testament to the power of love and companionship between humans and their feline friends. Her remarkable life and longevity continue to inspire cat lovers around the world, reminding us of the important role that these beloved pets play in our lives.

3. Puss

puss cat 2

Puss was a black and white cat who lived to the impressive age of 36 years 1 day, making her one of the oldest living cats in the world. Puss was born in 1903 and spent her entire life in England with her owner, Mrs. T. Holway. Puss lived through both World War I and World War II, surviving numerous hardships along the way.

Puss was known for her independent spirit and her love of adventure. She enjoyed exploring the outdoors and was often found wandering the countryside near her home. Despite her adventurous spirit, Puss remained in good health throughout her long life, thanks in part to her owner’s careful attention to her diet and health.

Mrs. Holway fed Puss a diet of fish, meat, and boiled milk, and she took her to the vet regularly for check-ups and vaccinations. Puss was also allowed to live a stress-free life, with plenty of time to rest and relax in the comfort of her owner’s home. Her story is a testament to the importance of proper care and attention for our feline friends, and a reminder that with the right care and attention, cats can live long and healthy lives.

4. Ma

ma cat 2

Ma was a Siamese cat who lived to be 34 years 5 months, making her one of the oldest living cats in the world. Ma was born in 1985 in South Africa and spent her life with her owner, Ann Turner. Ma was known for her sweet and affectionate nature, and she was a beloved companion to Turner and her family.

Ma’s longevity can be attributed to her owner’s careful attention to her diet and health. Turner fed Ma a diet of raw meat and vegetables, and she made sure that she received regular check-ups and vaccinations from the vet. Ma was also given plenty of exercise and playtime, which helped to keep her body and mind healthy.

Despite her advanced age, Ma remained active and playful throughout her life. She enjoyed chasing after toys and lounging in the sun, and she was always eager to spend time with her owner and her family. Ma’s sweet and loving nature made her a favorite among the Turner family, and she will always be remembered as a true icon in the world of feline longevity.

5. Granpa Rexs Allen

Granpa Rexs Allen

Granpa Rexs Allen was a male Sphynx cat who lived to be 34 years and 2 months old, making him one of the oldest living cats in the world. He was born on July 1, 1989, in Texas and spent his entire life with his owner, Linda G. Stehl.

Granpa Rexs Allen was a unique cat not only because of his age but also because of his breed. Sphynx cats are known for their hairless bodies and wrinkled skin, and Granpa Rexs Allen was no exception. Despite his unique appearance, Granpa Rexs Allen was a beloved member of the Stehl family and was known for his friendly and affectionate personality.

To keep Granpa Rexs Allen healthy and happy, Linda provided him with a nutritious diet and plenty of exercise. She also made sure to take him to the vet for regular check-ups and vaccinations. In his later years, Granpa Rexs Allen suffered from some health issues, including arthritis, but Linda ensured that he received the best possible care to manage his condition.

Granpa Rexs Allen passed away in September 2021, but his memory and legacy live on. He was a true inspiration to cat lovers around the world, showing that with the right care and attention, cats can live long and fulfilling lives. Granpa Rexs Allen’s remarkable lifespan also highlights the importance of responsible pet ownership and the need to provide our furry companions with the best possible care.

6. Grandma Wad

Grandma Wad

Grandma Wad was a female cat who lived to be 34 years and 2 months old, making her one of the oldest living cats in the world. She was born in 1970 and spent most of her life with her owner, Valerie, in the United Kingdom.

Grandma Wad’s long life can be attributed to the love and care she received from her owner. Valerie made sure that Grandma Wad was well-fed and received regular check-ups from the vet. In addition, Grandma Wad was allowed to spend her days basking in the sun and exploring the outdoors, which contributed to her overall health and well-being.

Grandma Wad’s longevity also made her a celebrity in the cat world. She was featured in various magazines and newspapers and even made an appearance on a television show. People from all over the world were amazed by her age and the fact that she was still in good health.

Sadly, Grandma Wad passed away in 2004, but her legacy lives on. She will always be remembered as a cat who defied the odds and lived a long and happy life. Her story is a reminder of the importance of providing our furry companions with love, care, and attention, as well as the positive impact that can have on their lives.

7. Plucky Sarah

Plucky Sarah was a female cat who lived to be 33 years and 6 months old, making her one of the oldest living cats in the world. She was born in 1987 and lived most of her life with her owner, Kate Allan, in the United Kingdom.

Plucky Sarah’s longevity can be attributed to her resilient spirit and the love and care she received from her owner. She survived a near-fatal car accident at the age of 16, which left her with a broken jaw and pelvis, and a dislocated hip. Despite her injuries, Plucky Sarah remained determined and managed to make a full recovery.

Plucky Sarah was also known for her charming personality. She was affectionate and loved spending time with her owner, often cuddling up on her lap for hours on end. She was also an adventurous cat and loved exploring the outdoors.

Plucky Sarah’s remarkable lifespan made her a celebrity in the cat world. She was featured in various magazines and newspapers, and people from all over the world were amazed by her age and resilience.

Plucky Sarah passed away in 2020, but her legacy lives on. She will always be remembered as a cat who defied the odds and overcame adversity to live a long and happy life. Her story is a testament to the resilience and strength of cats and the importance of providing them with love, care, and attention.

8. Sasha

Sasha was a beautiful black and white cat who lived to the incredible age of 31 years and 11 months, making her one of the oldest living cats in the world. She was born in New Zealand in 1979 and spent most of her life with her owner, Lynda Smith.

Sasha’s remarkable longevity can be attributed to her healthy lifestyle and the love and care she received from her owner. Lynda provided Sasha with a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and plenty of attention and affection. Sasha was also a very active cat, and loved to spend time outdoors exploring her surroundings.

Despite her advanced age, Sasha remained in good health for most of her life. She only began to experience health problems in her final months, and passed away peacefully in her sleep at the age of 31.

Sasha’s incredible lifespan made her a celebrity in the cat world. She was featured in numerous articles and television programs, and people from all over the world were amazed by her age and vitality. Her story inspired many cat owners to provide their own feline companions with the best possible care and attention, in the hopes of extending their own cats’ lifespans.

9. Tiger

Tiger was an amazing cat who lived to the remarkable age of 38 years, making him one of the oldest living cats in the world. He was born in 1948 in England and spent most of his life with his owner, Jeanne Martin.

Tiger’s long life can be attributed to the excellent care and attention he received from his owner. Jeanne was a dedicated cat lover who provided Tiger with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and plenty of love and affection. She also ensured that Tiger received regular check-ups from the vet and was promptly treated for any health issues that arose.


Tiger remained active and playful for most of his life. He loved to play with toys and was always up for a game of fetch. He also enjoyed spending time outdoors, exploring his surroundings and soaking up the sun.

Tiger’s incredible lifespan made him a celebrity in the cat world. He was featured in numerous articles and television programs, and people from all over the world were amazed by his age and vitality. His story inspired many cat owners to provide their own feline companions with the best possible care and attention, in the hopes of extending their own cats’ lifespans.

10. Rubble


Rubble was an extraordinary cat who lived to be one of the oldest living cats in the world. He was born in 1988 and passed away in 2020, at the age of 31. Rubble spent his entire life in the care of his loving owner, Michele Foster, in Exeter, England.

Rubble’s secret to a long and happy life was simple: a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and lots of love and attention from his owner. Michele made sure that Rubble was always well-fed, with a balanced diet that included plenty of protein and vitamins. She also encouraged him to stay active by playing with toys and exploring his surroundings.

Despite his age, Rubble remained active and alert until his final days. He enjoyed spending time outdoors, soaking up the sun and exploring the garden. He also loved to cuddle with his owner and was known for his gentle and affectionate nature.

Rubble’s remarkable lifespan made him a beloved celebrity in the cat world. He was featured in numerous news articles and television programs, and people from all over the world were amazed by his age and vitality. His story inspired many cat owners to provide their own feline companions with the best possible care and attention, in the hopes of extending their own cats’ lifespans.

Discovering the top oldest living cats in the world is a fascinating journey that showcases the incredible longevity and resilience of our feline companions. From Creme Puff to Rubble, these cats have all lived well beyond the average lifespan of a domestic cat, bringing joy and companionship to their owners for many years. While it’s not entirely clear what factors have contributed to their long lives, their stories remind us of the importance of providing our furry friends with a healthy lifestyle and plenty of love and attention.

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